DSGW: Eighty years of building a brand

Eighty years is a long time. And while we’re celebrating our bright future, we’re also taking a look back at our roots. From different office locations to logo changes to handing over the reins to different partners, it’s all is part of how we have sustained for eighty years. In homage to our past, we’re sharing the changes of our brand throughout the years.

1934: Paul Damberg was a sole architect in Virginia, MN.

1938: He was joined by his brother Rheuben to start Damberg & Damberg. And in 1956, they were joined by Paul’s son, John Damberg, still operating under the same D&D name.

1968: New partner, John Peck, joined the firm and spurred name change to Damberg & Peck as well as the firm expanded to Duluth.

1983: New business partners, John Scott and Darryl Booker joined the firm and the name changed to Damberg, Scott, Peck & Booker. And DSPB expanded to a small office in Grand Rapids.

1995: With the retirement of John Peck a few years previous and Darryl Booker moving to pursue other interests, John Gerzina and Randy Wagner become major shareholders. Driving the name change to Damberg, Scott, Gerzina & Wagner.

2000: Damberg, Scott, Gerzina & Wagner underwent major changes with the addition of minor partners, renaming to DSGW Architects. The intent was to build a brand that was consistent and recognizable in our communities. And in 2004, DSGW expanded to the Twin Cities. Today, we currently have offices in Duluth, Virginia and Lake Elmo, MN

One thing that hasn’t changed in eighty years is our company values. Respect for our clients and support of our community. Two things we still greatly believe in after eighty years, and two things that will keep us around for another eighty.