DSGW Architects receives outstanding Philanthropic Organization Award

LSFRE DSGW Philantrophy Award
DSGW and the Duluth Children’s Museum staff celebrate at the Lake Superior Fund Raising Executives award luncheon.

Lake Superior Fund Raising Executives (LSFRE) has announced that DSGW Architects received the 2013 Outstanding Philanthropic Organization award. The award is presented to an organization which has shown outstanding commitment through financial support and through encouragement to others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and community involvement.

Nominated by the Duluth Children’s Museum for the ongoing partnership with partners and staff of DSGW; the Museum has received direct in-kind services for planning, architectural design, budgeting, consulting, contracting, marketing and campaign/fund raising activities. More than 20 other significant non-profit organizations located within Duluth have also received similar capital campaign services from DSGW.

John Erickson, partner of DSGW, accepted the award on behalf of the firm. John began his relationship with the Museum as a parent of young children. In the last six years he has become involved in the capital projects through DSGW and now serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Duluth Children’s Museum. He states, “The Museum is positioned for growth and we are happy to support them through professional expertise. Leadership within DSGW is by example – if you put in the time to make things happen, the reward is in the satisfaction of seeing the end result and how it is experienced by the community.”

DSGW’s culture is centered on how to enrich communities through architecture and how to contribute back to the program and people served. Throughout its 75 year history the partners and employees have been strongly encouraged to participate and provide expertise to causes which reflect their interests in giving back time and talents to the community. Of the 36 employees, nearly all of them serve on leadership boards and volunteer for regional and national organizations.

DSGW is thrilled to join the ranks of distinguished corporations such as maurices, Super One Foods/Miner’s Inc. and Minnesota Power/an Allete Company, as one of 7 organizations located in the Northland who have accepted the award.